Monday, November 22, 2010

Issue #4 Love/Hate List

There’s a thin line between love and hate but these things fall way to the left or right of that line.
1. McDonald’s- You want some nuggets?
Yeah.  Double cheeseburger?   Double Yeah. 
Fries and a shake?  Hell Yeah!  Tasty, cheap
and it makes me shit within 15 mins. of eating. 
Win, win, and win.  And hey, let’s bring back
the McRib while we’re at it.
2. Meat and candy- One of life’s simple
pleasures is a steak for supper and a bag
of Sour Patch Kids for dessert.  Who needs
food groups or a pyramid when all you need
is meat and candy.
3. Hot Sauce- Ever see the movie Undercover
Brother when Eddie Griffin has that hot sauce
watch-I want that shit.  I put hot sauce on almost
everything and I think you should too.

1. McDonald’s Commercial’s- I may love it,
but McDonald’s doesn’t make high quality,
4 star food.  Why try to get all fancy and
complicated by acting like you’re a coffee
shop or salad center.  I got one word for
their commercials-Horrible’
2. Vegetables- They may be good for you.  They
may provide vitamins and nutrients.  They may
even be essential to your diet.  But, do they taste
good?  No!  If they did would you have to force
kids to eat them.  Exactly.
3. Cold ketchup- Why put cold ketchup on hot food. 
I just don’t get it..

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